Dr. David Leopoldseder bio photo

Dr. David Leopoldseder

Principal Researcher @Oracle Labs & Lecturer @ JKU, Linz, Austria

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Research Statement

In my research I am mainly focusing on aggressive compiler optimizations, i.e. code duplication or loop unrolling.

I think it is a compiler’s responsibility to deliver the best performance possible, for all the code out in the wild. Programers should strive for simplicity and maintainability, while a compiler should deliver excellent performance. Therefore, I try to develop (and implement in real compilers) novel compiler optimizations that go beyond the current understanding of what is possible with (JIT) compiler optimizations.

My past and current research focus has been on JIT compilation, however, I am also working towards general applicable optimization paradigms including backtracking, simulation and heuristic reasoning.

Besides that, I am also interested in all other aspects of performance (how, why, when …) including

  • Benchmarking to create reproducible experiments that can be shared in our community,
  • Compiler Cost Models,
  • Low Level Optimizations,
  • Algorithmic Optimizations,
  • Static & Dynamic Analysis.